Speak Macedonian

Early efforts in synthesising Macedonian by Josifovski et al (1996) focused on system design, with the first functional synthesis system using a Macedonian inventory being that of Chungurski et al. (2009).

The Speech Group at FEEIT made a significant contribution in the field with the system “Speak Macedonian” (2011), which was a quasi-diphone concatenative synthesiser built from scratch that boasted a fully functional prosody generation module for Macedonian.

Here is how this, then state-of-the-art, system sounded.

Почитувани слушатели, дозволете ми да се претставам. Јас сум системот за синтеза на говор-од-текст на македонски јазик „Зборувај македонски!“ Дали сакате да зборуваме македонски?